Outgoing students

In line with the nature of the course, students enrolled in IMS are encouraged to partake in international mobility programs, among the many different programs and initiatives offered:


Prof. Silvia Della Bella

IMS mobility helpdesk

International programmes

By studying abroad with Erasmus+, students can improve their communication, language and inter-cultural skills and gain soft skills highly valued by future employers.

Attending courses, sitting exams, doing research for thesis or laboratory and clinical activities

When to apply
The call is usually open every year in january-february

How to apply
Studying abroad with Erasmus+

Exchange period
1st semester, 2nd semester, or both, during the academic year that follows the call (reserved to students enrolled in the 4th, 5th or 6th year)

Financial support

By doing a traineeship abroad with Erasmus+, students can improve not only their communication, language and inter-cultural skills, but also soft skills highly valued by future employers, and become more entrepreneurial.

Educational training under the supervision of the hosting partner university, open also to graduated students (within 12 months from their graduation)

When to apply
The call is usually open twice a year, in october and february

How to apply
Erasmus Traineeship – Outgoing Opportunities

Exchange period
Minimum 2 months, within the end of september of the same academic year of the call (reserved to students enrolled in the 5th or 6th year)

Financial support

Students can carry out elective internships abroad only during free periods.

Internships in clinical wards or laboratories

When to apply
at least one month before departure

How to apply
Contact erasmus.ims@unimi.it;
apply according to Regulation on Elective Activities - Medicine - art. 8

Exchange period
At least 50 hours during free periods

Financial support


Students interested in spending a period of clinical practice abroad can enroll as Free Movers at selected foreign University Hospitals, where they can attend part of the clinical clerkhips planned in their Medical curriculum.

Internships in clinical wards

When to apply
No later than 30 days before date of activities

How to apply
See the detailed information page (link below)

Exchange period
During free periods (reserved to students enrolled in the 4th, 5th or 6th year)

Financial support

Students can enrol in exchange study programmes outside the European Union. Agreements for Medical students active at present include China, and Mexico destinantions.

Attending courses, sitting exams, doing research for thesis or laboratory and clinical activities

When to apply
Details available in each call

How to apply
See the page Exchange/outside EU (link below)

Exchange period
Details available in each call

Financial support

The University of Milan offers scholarships for students wishing to do all or part of their master's thesis at a foreign academic or research institution of their choice, without any geographical constraint.

Carrying out of all or part of the master's thesis at foreign academic and research institutions

When to apply
The call for application usually opens twice a year, in september-october and april-may

How to apply
See the detailed page on unimi.it website (link below)

Exchange period
Usually during the second semester of the 6th year

Financial support

For students wishing to do all or part of their master's thesis at a foreign academic or research institution of their choice, without any geographical constraint.

Carrying out of all or part of the master's thesis at foreign academic and research institutions

When to apply
Application has to be done before departure, without specific constraints

How to apply
Contact erasmus.ims@unimi.it; the required documents are the same as those needed for Thesis abroad with scholarships

Exchange period
Usually during the 2nd semester of the 6th year

Financial support

The International Medical School set up an "Erasmus Desk" dedicated to students interested in both incoming and outgoing international mobility programmes, both within the Erasmus+ projects (Student Exchange and Traineeship Program) and other non-European mobility programmes, or other internships abroad (Free Movers program). The desk (erasmus.ims@unimi.it) is managed by the Erasmus tutor of the course who supports the students in the choice of the mobility programs, welcomes and manages the requests of foreign students interested in organizing a study/internship period in IMS, and assists both incoming and outgoing students in the drafting of learning agreements
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 

Extra Erasmus/Extra-EU

International Mobility and Promotion Office

Information and appointments
Contact Center – InformaStudenti

Erasmus + Faculty of Medicine

Contacts, informative meetings, selection interviews and rankings for student who wish to study abroad with Erasmus +

Go abroad with Erasmus+

See  competition announcement, deadlines and all the information for Erasmus+ application on the University website: Erasmus contribution, prior to departure, during the stay, returning to Italy