Educational plan

These educational plans and programme descriptions refer to the A.Y. 2024/2025
Medicina e chirurgia - (Classe LM-41) international medical school
Enrolled since 2022/23 Academic Year (D56)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 6 72 English BIO/11 BIO/13
- Biology2
- Molecular biology4
Fundamentals_of_basic_sciences 12 148 English BIO/10 FIS/07
- Chemistry and introductory biochemistry7
- Medical physic5
Histology 7 88 English BIO/17
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anatomy 12 156 English BIO/16
Biochemistry 6 74 English BIO/10
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging 3 36 English FIS/07 MED/36
- Medical Physics2
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 1 15 188 English BIO/09 BIO/10
- Biochemistry6
- Physiology9
Genetics 8 96 English BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology4
- Genetics4
Microbiology 4 48 English MED/07
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 2 12 148 English BIO/09 BIO/16
- Anatomy4
- Physiology8
Mechanisms_of_diseases 14 184 English MED/04
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - cardiovascular diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/23
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - nephrology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/14
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - respiratory diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/10
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - blood deseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/15
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - internal medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/09
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - rheumatology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/16
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - dermatology_(Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/35
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - endocrinology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/13
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - gastroenterology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/12
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - phyisical training sciences and methodology (Clerkship) 3 75 English M-EDF/01
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 13 156 English MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/14 MED/18
- Cardiovascular diseases3
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine2
- Nephrology3
- Respiratory diseases3
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (Clerkship) 5 125 English MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/14 MED/18
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Nephrology1
- Respiratory diseases1
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 6 72 English MED/09 MED/15 MED/16
- Blood diseases2
- Internal medicine2
- Reumathology2
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/16
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 1 9 108 English BIO/11 BIO/12 INF/01 MED/07 MED/46
- Clinical Biochemistry2
- Informatics2
- Laboratory medicine2
- Microbiology2
- Molecular biology1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biostatistics 5 64 English MED/01
Foundational Pharmacological Principles 3 30 English BIO/14
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 11 132 English M-EDF/01 MED/12 MED/13 MED/35
- Dermatology3
- Endocrinology3
- Fisical training sciences and methodology2
- Gastroenterology3
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/12 MED/13 MED/35
- Dermatology1
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology1
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical and surgical pathology (Clerkship) - pathology 3 75 English MED/08
Clinical imaging (Clerkship) - radiology 1 75 English MED/36
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - blood deseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/15
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - oncology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/06
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - pathology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/08
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English BIO/14
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - radiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/36
Fundamental pharmacology and therapeutics - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English BIO/14
Head and neck - odontostomatological diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/28
Head and neck - ophthalmology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/30
Head and neck - otorhinolaryngology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/31
Infectious diseases - infectious diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/17
Infectious diseases - pharmacology (Clerkship) 1 15 English BIO/14
Medical psychology - clinical psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English M-PSI/08
Medical psychology - general psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English M-PSI/01
Medical psychology - psychobiology and physiologic psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English M-PSI/01
Orthopedics, traumatology and rehabilitation - orthopedics (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/33
Orthopedics, traumatology and rehabilitation - rehabilitation medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/34
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - clinical biochemistry (Clerkship) 1 25 English BIO/12
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - clinical pathology (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/05
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - laboratory medicine (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/46
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - microbiology (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical oncology emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkship) 2 50 English MED/06 MED/15
- Blood diseases1
- Medical oncology1
Clinical Oncology, Emato-Oncology and Radiotherapy 7 72 English BIO/14 MED/06 MED/08 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Head and neck_(Clerkship) 2 50 English MED/30 MED/31
- Ophthalmology1
- Otorhinolaryngology1
Head_and_neck 8 80 English BIO/09 BIO/16 MED/28 MED/30 MED/31
- Anatomy1
- Human physiology1
- Odontostomatological diseases2
- Ophthalmology2
- Otorhinolaryngology2
Infectious Diseases 6 72 English BIO/14 MED/17
- Infectious diseases5
- Pharmacology1
Infectious Diseases (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/17
Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation 5 50 English MED/33 MED/34
- Orthopedics4
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Orthopedics, traumatology and rehabilitation (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/33
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical and surgical pathology (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/08
Clinical Imaging 4 40 English MED/36
Clinical imaging (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/36
Clinical_and_surgical_pathology 7 70 English MED/08
Fundamental Pharmacology and Therapeutics 3 30 English BIO/14
Medical Psychology 6 60 English M-PSI/01 M-PSI/02 M-PSI/05 M-PSI/08
- Clinical psychology1
- General psychology3
- Psychobiology and physiologic psychology1
- Social psychology1
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 5 50 English BIO/12 MED/05 MED/07 MED/46
- Clinical Biochemistry2
- Clinical pathology1
- Laboratory medicine1
- Microbiology1
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of surgery - cardiac surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/23
Fundamentals of surgery - general surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/18
Fundamentals of surgery - maxillofacial surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/29
Fundamentals of surgery - neurosurgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/27
Fundamentals of surgery - plastic surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/19
Fundamentals of surgery - thoracic surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/21
Fundamentals of surgery - urology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/24
Fundamentals of surgery - vascular surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/22
Gynecology and reproductive medicine - obstetrics, gynecology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/40
Gynecology and reproductive medicine - urology (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/24
Medical science and clinical investigation - blood diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/15
Medical science and clinical investigation - cardiovascular diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/11
Medical science and clinical investigation - endocrinology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/13
Medical science and clinical investigation - gastroenterology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/12
Medical science and clinical investigation - nephrology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/14
Medical science and clinical investigation - physical training sciences and methodology (Clerkship) 3 75 English M-EDF/01
Medical science and clinical investigation - respiratory diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/10
Medical science and clinical investigation - rheumatology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/16
Neurological and behavioural disorders - mental health (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/25
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neurology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/26
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neuroradiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/37
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neurosurgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/27
Neurological and behavioural disorders - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English BIO/14
Neurological and behavioural disorders - rehabilitation medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/34
Pediatrics and child care - child neuropsychiatry (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/39
Pediatrics and child care - pediatrics (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/38
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - forensic medicine (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/43
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - general and applied hygiene (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/42
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - medical statistic (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/01
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - occupational medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 French MED/44
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Surgery 11 110 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/22 MED/23 MED/27 MED/29
- Cardiac surgery1
- General surgery5
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Neurosurgery1
- Plastic surgery1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Vascular surgery1
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/18
Medical Sciences and Clinical Investigation 5 50 English MED/09
Medical sciences and clinical investigation (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/09 MED/16
- Internal medicine2
- Rheumatology1
Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/25 MED/26
- Mental health1
- Neurology1
Neurological and Behavioural Disorders 12 120 English BIO/14 MED/25 MED/26 MED/34 MED/37
- Mental health4
- Neurology4
- Neuroradiology1
- Pharmacology2
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - Medical Sciences 5 100 English
Evaluation Internship - Surgical Sciences 5 100 English
Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine 6 60 English MED/24 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology5
- Urology1
Gynecology and reproductive medicine (Clerkship) 2 50 English MED/24 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
- Urology1
Pediatrics and Child Care 6 60 English MED/38 MED/39
- Child neuropsychiatry1
- Pediatrics5
Pediatrics and child care (Clerkship) 1 25 English MED/38
Public, Global Health, Occupational Medicine and Forensic Sciences 12 120 English MED/01 MED/42 MED/43 MED/44 SECS-P/07
- Business economics1
- Forensic medicine4
- General and applied hygiene3
- Medical statistic1
- Occupational medicine3
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - General Practice 5 100 English
Emergencies - anesthesiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/41
Emergencies - general surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/18
Emergencies - internal medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/09
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Emergencies_ 6 60 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology2
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine2
Emergencies_(Clerkship) 3 75 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Multidisciplinary clinical management 9 90 English INF/01 MED/02 MED/06 MED/10 MED/11 MED/13 MED/14 MED/18 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Endocrinology1
- General surgery1
- History of medicine1
- Medic informatics1
- Medical oncology1
- Nephrology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Respiratory diseases1
Multidisciplinary clinical management (Clerkship) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/12
- Gastroenterology1
- Internal medicine1
Track 1 (Community-based and lifestile medicine) 10 100 English BIO/09 MED/03 MED/06 MED/09 MED/25 MED/34 MED/35 MED/38 MED/40
- Dermatology1
- Genetics1
- Internal medicine1
- Medical oncology1
- Mental health1
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
- Pediatrics1
- Physiology1
- Rehabilitation medicine2
Track 10 (Methodological approach to biomedical research) 10 100 English BIO/09 BIO/14 BIO/16 BIO/17 MED/03 MED/04 MED/05 MED/07 MED/08 MED/46
- Anatomy1
- Clinical pathology1
- General pathology and immunology1
- Genetics1
- Histology and embryology1
- Laboratory medicine1
- Microbiology1
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Physiology1
Track 2 (Primary care) 10 100 English MED/09 MED/25 MED/28 MED/30 MED/31 MED/38 MED/39 MED/40 MED/45
- Child neuropsychiatry1
- Internal medicine2
- Mental health1
- Nursing1
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Otorhinolaryngological diseases1
- Pediatrics1
Track 3 (Management of cronicity) 10 100 English BIO/14 MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/12 MED/13 MED/14 MED/16 MED/25 MED/26
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology1
- Internal medicine1
- Mental health1
- Nephrology1
- Neurology1
- Pharmacology1
- Respiratory diseases1
- Rheumatology1
Track 4 (Cancer) 10 100 English MED/04 MED/06 MED/08 MED/10 MED/12 MED/15 MED/36 MED/38
- Blood diseases1
- Gastroenterology1
- General pathology and immunology1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pediatrics1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Respiratory diseases1
Track 5 (Public, global & occupational health and healthcare 10 100 English BIO/14 MED/04 MED/07 MED/17 MED/42 MED/43 MED/44
- Forensic medicine2
- General and applied hygiene2
- General pathology and immunology1
- Infectious diseases1
- Microbiology1
- Occupational medicine2
- Pharmacology1
Track 6 (Intensive and emergency care) 10 100 English MED/09 MED/11 MED/18 MED/23 MED/26 MED/27 MED/33 MED/36 MED/41
- Anesthesiology2
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Neurology1
- Neurosurgery1
- Orthopedics1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Track 7 (Surgical approach to diseases) 10 100 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/20 MED/22 MED/23 MED/24 MED/27 MED/29 MED/30 MED/33
- Cardiac surgery1
- General surgery1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Neurosurgery1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Orthopedics1
- Pediatric surgery1
- Plastic surgery1
- Urology1
- Vascular surgery1
Track 8 (Surgical and interventional oncology) 10 100 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/24 MED/27 MED/29 MED/31 MED/33 MED/40
- General surgery2
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Neurosurgery1
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
- Orthopedics1
- Otorhinolaryngology1
- Plastic surgery1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
Track 9 (Advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging) 10 90 English BIO/16 MED/08 MED/11 MED/12 MED/26 MED/30 MED/32 MED/36 MED/37
- Anatomy1
- Audiology1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Gastroenterology1
- Neurology1
- Neuroradiology1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Pathology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy2
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Track 01 (Community-based and lifestile medicine) (Clerkship) 4 100 English M-EDF/01 MED/09 MED/25
- Fisical training sciences and methodology1
- Internal medicine2
- Mental health1
Track 02 (Primary care) (Clerkship) 4 100 English M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/47
- Clinical psychology1
- Internal medicine2
- Midwifery1
Track 03 (Management of cronicity) (Clerkship) 4 100 English M-EDF/01 M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/24
- Clinical psychology1
- Internal Medicine1
- Physical training sciences and methodology1
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Track 04 (Cancer) (Clerkship) 4 100 English M-PSI/08 MED/06 MED/36 MED/41
- Anestesiology1
- Clinical psychology1
- Medical oncology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Track 05 (Public, global and occupational health and healthcare management) (Clerkship) 4 100 English MED/01 MED/02 MED/42 MED/43
- Forensic medicine1
- General and applied hygiene1
- Medical history1
- Medical statistics1
Track 06 (Intensive and emergency care) (Clerkship) 4 100 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/38 MED/41
- Anestesiology1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Pediatrics1
Track 07 (Surgical approach to diseases) (Clerkship) 4 100 English MED/18 MED/28 MED/30 MED/40
- General surgery1
- Obstetrics and gynecology1
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophtalmology1
Track 08 (Surgical and interventional oncology) (Clerkship) 4 100 English MED/12 MED/18 MED/20 MED/36
- Gastroenterology1
- General surgery1
- Pediatric surgery1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Track 09 (Advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging) (Clerkship) 4 100 English MED/22 MED/36 MED/37 MED/46
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Neuroradiology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Vascular surgery1
Track 10 (Methodological approach to biomedical research) (Clerkship) 4 100 English BIO/12 MED/01 MED/02 MED/46
- Biochimica clinica1
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Medica statistics1
- Medical history1
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 18 0 English
Study plan rules
1 - By the end of 6 years students should acquire also 8 credits/ECTS in optional clerkships to be chosen among the following:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Clinical and surgical pathology (Clerkship) - pathology 3 75 English year MED/08
Clinical imaging (Clerkship) - radiology 1 75 English year MED/36
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - blood deseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/15
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - oncology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/06
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - pathology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/08
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year BIO/14
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy - radiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/36
Emergencies - anesthesiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/41
Emergencies - general surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/18
Emergencies - internal medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/09
Fundamental pharmacology and therapeutics - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year BIO/14
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - cardiovascular diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/23
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - nephrology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/14
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 - respiratory diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/10
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - blood deseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/15
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - internal medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/09
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 - rheumatology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/16
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - dermatology_(Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/35
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - endocrinology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/13
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - gastroenterology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/12
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 - phyisical training sciences and methodology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year M-EDF/01
Fundamentals of surgery - cardiac surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/23
Fundamentals of surgery - general surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/18
Fundamentals of surgery - maxillofacial surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/29
Fundamentals of surgery - neurosurgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/27
Fundamentals of surgery - plastic surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/19
Fundamentals of surgery - thoracic surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/21
Fundamentals of surgery - urology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/24
Fundamentals of surgery - vascular surgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/22
Gynecology and reproductive medicine - obstetrics, gynecology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/40
Gynecology and reproductive medicine - urology (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/24
Head and neck - odontostomatological diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/28
Head and neck - ophthalmology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/30
Head and neck - otorhinolaryngology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/31
Infectious diseases - infectious diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/17
Infectious diseases - pharmacology (Clerkship) 1 15 English year BIO/14
Medical psychology - clinical psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year M-PSI/08
Medical psychology - general psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year M-PSI/01
Medical psychology - psychobiology and physiologic psychology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year M-PSI/01
Medical science and clinical investigation - blood diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/15
Medical science and clinical investigation - cardiovascular diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/11
Medical science and clinical investigation - endocrinology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/13
Medical science and clinical investigation - gastroenterology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/12
Medical science and clinical investigation - nephrology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/14
Medical science and clinical investigation - physical training sciences and methodology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year M-EDF/01
Medical science and clinical investigation - respiratory diseases (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/10
Medical science and clinical investigation - rheumatology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/16
Neurological and behavioural disorders - mental health (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/25
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neurology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/26
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neuroradiology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/37
Neurological and behavioural disorders - neurosurgery (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/27
Neurological and behavioural disorders - pharmacology (Clerkship) 3 75 English year BIO/14
Neurological and behavioural disorders - rehabilitation medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/34
Orthopedics, traumatology and rehabilitation - orthopedics (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/33
Orthopedics, traumatology and rehabilitation - rehabilitation medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/34
Pediatrics and child care - child neuropsychiatry (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/39
Pediatrics and child care - pediatrics (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/38
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - forensic medicine (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/43
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - general and applied hygiene (Clerkship) 3 75 English year MED/42
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - medical statistic (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/01
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences - occupational medicine (Clerkship) 3 75 French year MED/44
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - clinical biochemistry (Clerkship) 1 25 English year BIO/12
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - clinical pathology (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/05
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - laboratory medicine (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/46
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 - microbiology (Clerkship) 1 25 English year MED/07
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Anatomy Histology (compulsory)
Biochemistry Cells, Molecules and Genes (compulsory), Fundamentals_of_basic_sciences (compulsory)
Emergencies_ Clinical Imaging (compulsory), Clinical_and_surgical_pathology (compulsory), Fundamental Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioural Disorders (compulsory)
Functions 1 Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory)
Functions 2 Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory)
Fundamental Pharmacology and Therapeutics Foundational Pharmacological Principles (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 Mechanisms_of_diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 Mechanisms_of_diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 Mechanisms_of_diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Surgery Clinical Imaging (compulsory), Clinical_and_surgical_pathology (compulsory), Fundamental Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioural Disorders (compulsory)
Genetics Cells, Molecules and Genes (compulsory), Fundamentals_of_basic_sciences (compulsory)
Mechanisms_of_diseases Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory), Genetics (compulsory)
Medical Sciences and Clinical Investigation Clinical Imaging (compulsory), Clinical_and_surgical_pathology (compulsory), Fundamental Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioural Disorders (compulsory)
Multidisciplinary clinical management Fundamentals of Surgery (compulsory), Medical Sciences and Clinical Investigation (compulsory)
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 1 Microbiology (compulsory)
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 Translational medicine and biotechnologies 1 (compulsory)
Medicina e chirurgia - (Classe LM-41) international medical school
Enrolled since 2019/20 Academic Year to 2021/22 Academic Year (D56)
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Human Body 19 248 English BIO/16 BIO/17
- Anatomy13
- Histology and embryology6
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 7 84 English BIO/11 BIO/13 BIO/17
- Biology2
- Histology and embryology1
- Molecular biology4
Fundamentals of Basic Sciences 10 124 English BIO/10 FIS/07
- Chemistry and Introductory Biochemistry6
- Medical Physic4
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 11 136 English BIO/10 BIO/13 MED/03
- Biochemistry5
- Biology4
- Genetics2
course year not available
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 28 344 English BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/16 FIS/07
- Anatomy3
- Biochemistry6
- Chemistry and introductory biochemistry1
- Medical physics2
- Physiology16
Mechanisms of Diseases 24 296 English BIO/10 MED/03 MED/04 MED/07
- Biochemistry1
- General pathology and immunology15
- Genetics2
- Microbiology6
course year not available
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bed Side Approach and Clinical Methodology 6 72 English M-PSI/01 MED/09 MED/18
- General psychology1
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine3
Bed Side Approach and Clinical Methodology (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/18
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Pharmacology I 3 36 English BIO/14
System Diseases 1 11 132 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/11 MED/14 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases2
- Clinical Biochemistry1
- Microbiology1
- Nephrology4
- Pathology1
- Radiology2
System Diseases 1 (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/11 MED/14 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Nephrology1
- Radiology1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biostatistics 5 64 English MED/01
Health Informatics 3 36 English INF/01
System Diseases 2 12 144 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/10 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases4
- Clinical biochemistry1
- Microbiology1
- Pathology1
- Radiology1
- Respiratory diseases4
System Diseases 2 (clerkship) 4 100 English MED/10 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases2
- Radiology1
- Respiratory diseases1
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Dermatology 3 36 English MED/35
Dermatology (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/35
Infectious Diseases 6 72 English BIO/14 MED/17
- Infectious diseases5
- Pharmacology1
Infectious Diseases (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/17
Pharmacology Ii 3 36 English BIO/14
System Diseases 3 14 168 English BIO/12 MED/07 MED/08 MED/12 MED/13 MED/36
- Clinical Biochemistry1
- Endocrinology4
- Gastroenterology4
- Microbiology1
- Pathology2
- Radiology2
System Diseases 3 (clerkship) 5 125 English MED/08 MED/12 MED/13 MED/36
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology2
- Pathology1
- Radiology1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Bone and Joint Diseases 7 96 English MED/16 MED/33 MED/34
- Orthopedics4
- Rehabilitation medicine1
- Reumathology2
Bone and Joint Diseases (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/16 MED/33
- Orthopedics1
- Rheumatology1
Clinical and Surgical Pathology 4 48 English MED/08
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy 7 84 English BIO/14 M-PSI/01 MED/06 MED/08 MED/36
- General psychology1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/06 MED/36
- Medical oncology2
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Head and Neck 9 108 English BIO/09 BIO/16 MED/28 MED/29 MED/30 MED/31
- Anatomy1
- Human physiology1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Odontostomatological diseases2
- Ophthalmology2
- Otorhinolaryngology2
Head and Neck (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/28 MED/30 MED/31
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Otorhinolaryngological diseases1
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Practice 5th Year 18 216 English BIO/14 MED/05 MED/09 MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/24
- Clinical pathology2
- General surgery5
- Internal medicine7
- Pharmacology1
- Plastic surgery1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
Clinical Practice 5th Year (clerkship) 5 125 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/21 MED/24
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience 19 228 English BIO/09 BIO/14 BIO/16 M-PSI/01 M-PSI/08 MED/08 MED/25 MED/26 MED/27 MED/34 MED/36 MED/39
- Anatomy1
- Clinical Psychology1
- General Psychology1
- Human physiology1
- Infant neuropsychiatry1
- Mental health4
- Neurology5
- Neurosurgery1
- Pharmacology1
- Phatology1
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/25 MED/26
- Mental health1
- Neurology1
Traslational Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery 4 48 English MED/11 MED/22 MED/23
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases2
- Vascular surgery1
Traslational Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery (clerkship) 3 75 English MED/11 MED/22 MED/23
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Vascular surgery1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - Medical Sciences 5 100 English
Evaluation Internship - Surgical Sciences 5 100 English
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics 10 120 English MED/38 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology5
- Pediatrics5
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/38 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
Public Health and Environmental Medicine 9 108 English MED/42 MED/44 SECS-P/06
- Applied economics1
- General and applied hygiene4
- Occupational medicine4
Public Health and Environmental Medicine (clerkship) 1 25 English MED/44
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation Internship - General Practice 5 100 English
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Practice 6th Year 10 120 English M-PSI/01 MED/01 MED/09 MED/18
- General psychology1
- General surgery3
- Internal medicine4
- Medical statistic2
Clinical Practice 6th Year (clerkship) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/18
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Emergencies 8 96 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology4
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine2
Emergencies (clerkship)_ 6 150 English MED/10 MED/11 MED/26 MED/27 MED/33 MED/41
- Anesthesiology1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Neurology1
- Neurosurgery1
- Orthopedics1
- Respiratory diseases1
Forensic Medicine 4 48 English MED/43 MED/44
- Forensic medicine3
- Occupational medicine1
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Examination 18 0 English
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory)
Clinical Practice 6th Year Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (compulsory), Pharmacology I (compulsory), Pharmacology Ii (compulsory), System Diseases 1 (compulsory), System Diseases 2 (compulsory), System Diseases 3 (compulsory)
Emergencies Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Neurobiology, Human Behaviour and Clinical Neuroscience (compulsory), Pharmacology I (compulsory), Pharmacology Ii (compulsory), System Diseases 1 (compulsory), System Diseases 2 (compulsory), System Diseases 3 (compulsory)
Functions Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory), Human Body (compulsory)
Mechanisms of Diseases Cells, Molecules and Genes 1 (compulsory), Cells, Molecules and Genes 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory), Human Body (compulsory)
System Diseases 1 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)
System Diseases 2 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)
System Diseases 3 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory)